Each week your host Aaron Lowe awakes to find his head grafted onto the body of another cinephile. Not in place of their head, just next to it. Together they are given a note with an oft-cryptic topic scrawled on it, and must each pick a movie to discuss that fits that topic. Who is doing this and why? Don't ask us, we just work here. This is... the Incredible Two-Headed Podcast!

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Episode 54. 2022 in Horror Recap with J. Carlos Menjivar & Rik Tod Johnson
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Here it is almost May, so it seems like the perfect time to release an episode that was recorded way back in early January.
For this one, I sat down with friends of the show J. Carlos Menjivar and Rik Tod Johnson to discuss our favorite horror films of 2022, and a few other things as well. 2022 was a banner year for horror, so we had a lot to talk about.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Episode 53. Satirica-Lee (W/Rik Tod Johnson)
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Another one I've been keeping in the vaults. This episode was recorded way back in May, for what was originally intended to be a celebration of Christopher Lee's birthday month. You'll hear a few references to the date, to my plans for getting the episode out, and a few other things that aren't particularly timely right now.
Still, this was a fun discussion about a pair of movies I'd never seen before. So join us as we discuss The Magic Christian and Serial, two satires with small roles for Christopher Lee.

Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Episode 52. New Cult Musicals (W/ Johnny Duarte)
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Welcome back to The Incredible Two-Headed Podcast, as I continue to clear out the backlog of episodes I've recorded but not uploaded. Keep in mind, during this conversation, that this was recorded almost 6 months ago at this point, so some of the things we talk about might be a bit dated.
But join me and Johnny D. as we discuss a pair of cult musicals, the wonders of Tubi, and I share an idea for a short film that probably should have remained buried in my teen years.

Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Episode 51. Prey w/ Joey Clift
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Look at that! Our second episode released on schedule! Things are looking up around here.
Joining me today is the inimitable Joey Clift, a writer/director/producer/performer whose work has appeared on Nickelodeon, Nerdist, Cartoon Network, and soon Netflix, among many others. Joey came by to discuss Prey, the new installment in the long running Predator franchise, as well as stuff himself with shredded cheese.
Joey can be found on twitter @Joeytainment, on instagram @JoeyCliiiiiift (that's six I's), and some of his work, including his short film Telling People You're Native American When You're Not Native is a Lot Like Telling a Bear You're a Bear When You're Not a Bear, can be found on vimeo by searching Joseph Clift.

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Episode 50. Special Report: Lost Highway (W/ J. Carlos Menjivar)
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
We're back! Did you miss us?
That's right, we're finally posting our first regular episode of 2022. Although hold up, this isn't quite a regular episode, it's a special report! A coproduction with J. Carlos Menjivar and his Dial F For Film podcast! The two of us actually ventured into the real world and braved Monkeypox, Covid, and Los Angeles parking in order to see Lost Highway, newly remastered, and on the big screen!
As always, if you like this show and would like to hear more of it, why not rate/review/follow us wherever you get your podcasts. It really does help the show.

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Episode 49. ”The Top 21 of ’21, Part One” with Zeke Perez
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Welcome back, finally, to a brand new, format-breaking episode! Our first of the new year! For this episode I'm joined by Zeke Perez as we discuss some of our favorite music releases of 2021.
On a technical note, there was a bit of a learning curve on this one. It was a bit more complicated to record and edit than usual, which is why it's fairly late. But I think it came together nicely and I think it's a fun episode. And this is only part one! Join us again in a couple days when I upload the last half of this monster-sized musical episode!

Monday Dec 27, 2021
Episode 48. Cinema Du Look
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Zeke Perez makes his long overdue return to help me close out the year by discussing a pair of stylish French films from the 80s.
First up is Jean-Jacques Beineix twisty Diva (1981), followed by Leos Carax's sophomore film Mauvais Sang (1986). Both films were part of a filmmaking wave that would come to be known as Cinema du Look, films that favored style over substance. But as you'll see, these movies provide plenty of substance to talk about.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Episode 47. ”Miracle Mile” with Rik Tod Johnson
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
An into the night adventure full of pigeon arsonists, body-building helicopter pilots, the threat of imminent nuclear destruction, eternal love, and more character actors than you can shake a stick at. Plus the return of Rik Tod Johnson for a very special episode.
Rik joins me this week to revive one of our long-dormant writing projects, in an episode that also doubles as a backdoor pilot for a potential spinoff podcast. We're talking Steve De Jarnatt's Miracle Mile, a film that flummoxed audiences in 1988. Were they right to reject this film en masse 33 years ago, or does this film earn its cult audience? Listen in to find out!

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Episode 46.”Mexican Horrors?” with J. Carlos Menjivar
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Returning champ J. Carlos Menjivar joins me today to discuss a pair of horror films from Mexico. Or at least, that was the initial plan, as it turns out the film I brought to the table wasn't a horror film at all, though it does deal with the supernatural.
Macario, from 1960, is a fantasy tale about a poor woodcutter who befriends Death. After discussing this fundamentally nice film, we drastically shift gears with 1977's Alucarda, an over the top film all about repressed nuns, demonic possession, and lesbian vampires!
J. Carlos Menjivar is host of the terrific Dial F For Film podcast, which can be found on the very same services you found this show!

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Episode 45. ”Recent Horrors” with J. Carlos Menjivar
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
We're back! Did you miss us?
Yes, the long national nightmare is over. After a month-long hiatus, The Incredible Two-Headed Podcast has returned with a brand new episode. This episode was recorded prior to October, and was intended to be the start of our Halloween series. We discuss the 2014 German oddity Der Samurai, and the 2017 Italian thriller Laplace's Demon. Along the way we also discuss a lot of the Halloween plans that never came to fruition, so go ahead and just ignore all that.
Starting with this episode the podcast will be moving to a biweekly format, to hopefully avoid these interruptions in scheduling.